Fees for Auctions, Mercari, Otamart and other Fleamarket Sites
Yahoo Auctions, Otamart, Fril (Rakuma)
As auctions, Otamart and Fril (Rakuma) must be processed individually we charge the $4.00 per shop fee for each link in the cart. If you purchase multiple items from the same seller it is still $4.00 per link.
You can add an item to your cart, to get a quote with all our service fees included.
As Mercari is more involved than many other websites and must be processed individually we charge the $4.00 per shop fee for each link in the cart as well as $6 per item. If you purchase multiple items from the same seller, it is still $4.00 per link for the shop fee and $6 per item for the per-item fee.
Essentially, this means Mercari items are charged $10.00 per item plus our percentage service fee.
You can add an item to your cart, to get a quote with all our service fees included.